Joseph Hisfriendfromschool


Joseph isolates himself from the rest, finding most comfort into what he used to find as troubling before the incident. He is often heard crying, but gets very aggressive when anybody tries to comfort him, often misinterpreting it as a threat. He is exclusively more docile and friendlier to the unbanished demoness Seraphina. It is often difficult to bring Joseph to the others when for gatherings.


Missing an eye from his socket, and one is barely hanging on, with its pupil darted from below. His arm was ripped out of him post-burning when attempting to recover him, and the burns left him in the process of melting, with his jaw too big for his head. Joseph's clothes are ripped, with his lucky basketball shirt having a huge tear on the front and back, and his shorts also containing massive tears.


•He loves basketball!
•Joseph was one of the very first!
•Joseph, alongside Cody, debut in "Bowser Junior's Summer School!"
•He has fucking aids

Died in 2017 from a massive burn injury after being microwaved alive. The injuries caused him to lose his arm and eye, but remain conscious. His mother has yet to know about the incident.